Withology Podcast: Episode 14 - David Baiada Listen Here



Inside Episode 4, Parts 1 and 2 with Bob Brown

Robert “Bob” Brown has counseled the biggest names in business and most influential leaders in American and world history—including numerous heads of Fortune 500 companies, American civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., South African president and civil rights activist Nelson Mandela, and President Richard Nixon.

In Episode 4, Part 1, Bob discusses the hard truths that he learned growing up in the segregated South, his time with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the front lines of the civil rights movement and what it took to make Coretta Scott King’s first flight to South Africa to meet Mrs. Mandela possible. Details of this trip to South Africa are best heard directly from Bob. He puts the art of great storytelling on display as he takes listeners with him to visit Nelson Mandela in jail, becoming one of the first non-family members to visit Mandela in prison—a feat that, in the moment, Bob feared he might not live to share.

In Episode 4, Part 2, Bob takes listeners back to the States and into the political arena. He provides insight into how he first met Bobby Kennedy and eventually came to work with him and his brother, President John F. Kennedy, before crossing the aisle to serve as Special Assistant to President Nixon in the White House. The audience is shown another side of President Nixon as Bob shares how the President empowered him to advance Black people, Black businesses and Black military leaders in America.

Bob’s memoir, “You Can’t Go Wrong Doing Right: How a Child of Poverty Rose to the White House and Helped Change the World,” is available now on Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com and Booksamillion.com. Learn more about Bob at Bobbrownspeaks.com.

Robert Brown, early in his career, meeting with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Photo courtesy of Robert Brown)
Robert Brown with Nelson Mandela (Photo courtesy of Robert Brown)
Robert Brown meeting with Nelson Mandela (Photo courtesy of Robert Brown)
Robert Brown talking with President Nixon and James Brown (Photo courtesy of Robert Brown)
Robert Brown with President Richard Nixon (Photo courtesy of Robert Brown)
Robert Brown being greeted by President Lyndon B. Johnson (Photo courtesy of Robert Brown)
Brian visiting Robert Brown in his hometown of High Point, North Carolina

Not sure what “Withology” means? That’s because we made it up.

Extraordinary things happen through collaboration, influence and inspiration. No successful person has ever achieved their goals on their own. Host Brian Tierney sits down with the nation’s most successful business and industry leaders to discuss their personal journeys and unpack the stories and people who helped them get to where they are today.

Withology will explore the philosophy that Brian’s parents instilled in him at a young age: anything is possible with hard work and great people.


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Catch up on Withology:

Episode 1 with ABC News anchor Byron Pitts
Episode 2 with radio and TV personality Michael Smerconish
Episode 3 with CHOP’s President and CEO Madeline Bell